Recycling plastic waste in Vietnam

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More than 90% of daily plastic products end up in landfills or the oceans. That is a big problem. To reduce the impact of plastic waste on the environment, Vietnam has to find solutions. Turning plastic waste into asphalt is one of those solutions.

In September 2019, for the first time, Vietnam successfully constructed a 200m road section made from plastic waste. It located at the DEEP C Industrial Zones in Hai Phong city. It has all ecological and environmental benefits, but you will not see any difference from the road made of plastic waste because it looks like it spreads over a regular layer of plastic.

Let take a look at a video about Vietnam’s first road made from plastic waste.

BlueSky is a manufacturer of recycling plastic resins from plastic waste, aiming to contribute a small part in solving the environmental pollution of plastic waste in Vietnam. Working with BlueSky, you can also do your part in this by producing, creating, or using products made from recycled plastic.

If you are interested in plastic recycling resin, you can browse our website and leave your information. Our customer service is available 24 hours a day and can provide you with the best answers.